Interview - Shelton Gee and Judy Gee Chong

Shelton Gee is a successful businessman who owned many grocery stores and retired at the age of 50. After graduating from Jefferson Davis High School, Mr. Gee was drafted to fight in the war for two years in Fort Chaffee, Arkansas. After his service, he spent two years in San Francisco to study programming, then married his wife, Helen, in Hong Kong. Mr. Gee and his wife settled down in Houston, where they entered the grocery store business. They have a son and a daughter who live in Texas and California, respectively. Judy Gee Chong and Mr. Gee are cousins, and their fathers were business partners. As a child, Ms. Gee Chong helped out in her family’s large grocery store. She also grew up in a time of racial segregation and observed discrimination against Asian Americans.

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