Memoranda from the Admiralty, 1807


Three memos by Rear Admiral Wells to the officers of the Zealand

Series of three memos written by Rear Admiral Wells to the officers of the British ship Zealand. The memos address the proper protocol of discharging sailors and the issue of beer and spirits to warrant officers. These memos were written during the Fourth Coalition period of the Napoleonic Wars, before the start of the Peninsular War in May of 1808. 

These memoranda are a small part of the Memoranda to British Ship Captains from the Admiralty collection (call number MS 204) available at the Woodson Research Center at Rice University. The collection is comprised of a 38 page handwritten logbook containing dozens of memos written aboard specific ships at a specific location during the time period 1807-1809.


Memo written by Vice Admiral Wells on the proper way to discharge sailors

Memo written by Vice Admiral Wells to the British Navy and Marines about the proper way to discharge sailors who stay on shore overnight so they will continue to receive sea duty pay, not shore pay. This was written during the War of the Fourth Coalition period of the Napoleonic Wars, after the start of the Peninsular War.


Memo written by Captain Owen about the Order of Sailing and Distinguishing Pendants

Memo written by Captain Owen to the naval officers under the command of Sir R. J. Stratham. The memo directs them in the Order of Sailing, the arrangement of ships sailing in a convoy, and Distinguishing Pendants, flags flown to distinguish the ships. This was written during the Peninsular War which occured during the War of the Fifth Coalition period of the Napoleonic Wars.