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A snippet from the aforementioned booklet reflecting the project. The first of two portions, this illustrates some of the trade and promotional literature from the Huffco-Pertamina relationship. In this excerpt, the head of Pertamina, Ibnu Sutowo,…

The second excerpt from the project's promotional booklet gives some insights from Huffco founder, Roy M. Huffington. This excerpt also illustrates some of the other partners involved in the Indonesian Joint Venture.

An unidentified man, presumably a Huffco employee, who appears to be in mid-conversation. He is demonstrating proper site safety.

A cordial invitation from a Huffco Turkey, Inc. employee V Edd French for lunch during a visit to the Turkey office.

A three dimensional commemorative model of the first spudded well at the Badak Plant. Model is courtesy of Mopostat Maintenance.

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The official logo of the Huffington oil companies, stemming from the parent company, Roy M. Huffington, Inc.

A communication from Huffington to a potential business relation concerning the Nigerian gas market and future relations.

A cassette tape displayed against reference material. A primary source, this is an audio recording of an interview with legal advisor, Tirto Utomo. The reference material pictured is the book titled Hands across the sea: the story of Indonesian LNG.…

A display of assorted stages of drilling projects Huffco was involved in the 1970s and 1980s.

An in depth look at some of the areas of production which provides a bird's eye perspective of the oil and gas sections of the Huffco fields.


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