Browse Items (60 total)

Image of Judge Clarease Yates, Glenda Joe, Billie Carr

A three-page document with information on the canvassing kit, general information about the kit, and instruction on how to use this canvassing kit. Complete document can be accessed at the Woodson Research Center (see Source).

A list of political terms compiled and defined by Bernice Scotty.

A pamphlet written by Billie Carr on running precinct conventions. Complete document can be accessed at the Woodson Research Center (see Source).

A pamphlet compiled by Billie Carr with information on how to organize a precinct towards political purpose. Complete document can be accessed at the Woodson Research Center (see Source).

A program for Texas Democrats by Billie Carr and Ed Cogburn that advocates for many different issues pertinent to the future of theTexas Democratic Party. Complete document can be accessed at the Woodson Research Center (see Source).

Monthly newsletter sent to Billie Carr of the General Assembly of Women In Action, including agenda items about B'Nai B'Rith, National Council of Negro Women, and Mothers on the Move. Complete document can be accessed at the Woodson Research Center…

Dialogue On Race: an event organized with Billie Carr involved and sponsored by Harris County Democrats: Event program for Dialogue On Race Event held at Rice University Campus to "respond to President Clinton's call for a national dialogue on race."…

E-mail correspondence between Billie Carr and Chandler Davidson organizing the Dialogue on Race event. Complete documents can be accessed at the Woodson Research Center (see Source).

Guidelines for sharing in an Anti-Racism Workshop: Guidelines created by the Center for the Healing of Racism for conversations about racism/anti-racism
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