Interview - Anonymous Daya Client

This interviewee was born in India where her family remains today. She, however, came to North America after graduating from pharmacy school, six months after her arranged marriage with her husband. She and her husband first lived in Canada where she passed her license exams and they both were working. Her husband’s new job brought them to America where they were very isolated in contrast to the community of friends they had in Canada. After coming to America, their son was born, and her husband lost his job. Her husband started abusing her emotionally and physically. One day she went to a walk-in drug store clinic for the physical abuse at which the doctor informed her of Daya, a Houston organization for South Asian people who have been the victims of domestic violence. At the time of the interview she had been working with Daya for almost two years and receiving legal counsel and support throughout the lawsuit against her husband. Due to the nature of the interview and the ongoing lawsuit with her husband, the interviewee has remained anonymous and could not discuss specific details of the case.

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