Interview - Deborah Ho Lin

Dr. Deborah Ho Lin, originally born in Taiwan, came to Atlanta, Georgia with her family when she was 17. She attended Georgia Tech for an undergraduate degree and later, Emory University for medical school. She is an accomplished pediatrician and writer, as well as the loving wife of Jimmy Lin and mother of Lara Lin. The family lived in New York since the couple got married, moved to Houston in 2008 when her husband obtained a professorship post at Rice University, and stayed here since.

In this second interview with HAAA, Dr. Lin spoke of her childhood memories, her family and her role in the family as the eldest sister, and the important people in her lives during her upbringing. Dr. Lin also spoke briefly about her experience growing up in Georgia as the only non-caucasian family there 40 years ago. She reflected on her medical career as a woman of color in a male-dominated field, and her writing career during which, she covered the story of Nobel Prize winner, Chien-Shiung Wu’s story immediately after the award.

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