Interview - Dan Louie

Born in Kaiping, Guangdong, China, Dr. Daniel Louie immigrated to the United States with his mother in 1947. They arrived in San Francisco, only to be detained and questioned before being released. In 1950, he and his family moved to Leland, Mississippi to join his aunt's business. They did not stay in Leland for long, where schools banned Chinese students from attending schools. Dr. Louie continued to face discrimination as a Boy Scout and be discriminated against by his non-Chinese classmates. After graduating from high school in Houston, Dr. Louie attended Tulane University on a full scholarship majoring in Chemistry. He then received professional degrees from Kansas State University, Arizona State University, and the University of Texas. Before going to dental school, he conducted research and taught at several institutions. Dr. Louie has worked in hospitals and had a solo practice, which he retired from in 2011. Dr. Louie is also active in the Houston community, having served on the boards of Teach for America, Red Cross, and March for Dimes, to name a few organizations.

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