Contact Us

We are here to serve.

- Researchers & Educators: We can supply materials for your research and classroom discussion. (Please see citation guideline below.)

- Participants: Consider contributing 60 - 90 minutes of your time for an oral history interview with us.

- Opportunities: Rice students are the primary force behind this project which is faculty-led, student-run. We welcome current Rice students to participate in a paid internship to learn more about the community. 

- Community: Recommend your Asian American friend for an interview with us. Join our mailing list for event alerts and HAAA community updates.

- Preservation: Donate materials (family archives, photos, records, artworks, etc.) related to Asian American history in Houston. They will be kept in acid-free, climate-controlled storage at the Woodson Research Center, Fondren Library at Rice University.

We would love to hear from you about what an archive means to you. Submit your responses to


[NAME OF INTERVIEWEE] interview by [NAME OF INTERVIEWER]. [DATE OF INTERVIEW]. Houston Asian American Archives oral history interviews, MS 573, Woodson Research Center, Fondren Library, Rice University.

For example, to cite Thomas Sung's interview:

"Sung, Thomas, interview by Li, Priscilla and Ginter, Taylor. October 11, 2018. Houston Asian American Archives oral history interviews, MS 573, Woodson Research Center, Fondren Library, Rice University."

Potential Oral History participants:

To learn more about the oral history interview format, or for more information, follow this link.

If you are ready to proceed, please submit the following documents:

1) a clear headshot;

2) a completed consent form (please fill it out here);

3) a timeline of your life events / bio, and/or a resume;

4) your interview availabilities;

5) Optional: a cookbook recipe of your choice (e.g. from your grandmother).

Please send the above to


We welcome you to apply for our internship if you're a current Rice University student. 

Tasks involve the following but not limited to:

- Conduct, transcribe, review, and process interviews,

- Data processing, data quality control,

- Graphic design, social media management, website management,

- Event organizing. 


We welcome proposals if you have an idea for 

- podcast ideas (here is our channel)

- thesis/project ideas

- others.


Strong writing, editing, language, and interpersonal skills are highly preferred. 

Please fill out the application form and provided the required documents (download here), and send them to our email as below.



- Transcriber (rolling).

- Communications intern.

- Graphic design intern.

- ArcGIS project intern.

- Videographer intern.

Follow us on social media: 

YouTube  | Instagram  | Twitter  |  Facebook


Mailing Address:

   Chao Center for Asian Studies

   Rice University

   6100 Main Street, MS 475

   Houston, TX 77005