Interview - Dea Chincuanco - Go Boncan

Dea Chincuanco was born in Manila, Philippines in 1974. At the age of 14, she moved to Houston with her mother and brother. After graduating from the University of Houston in the entrepreneurship program, Ms. Chincuanco pursued a career in the international shipping business. Throughout her corporate career, she has worked for various companies as a broker, salesperson, and consultant. She also recently received her masters in Global Business Administration from The Fletcher School at Tufts University. She currently works as an independent consultant for her company Miura and as the Assistant Vice President Commercial and Chartering for the German firm dship. As a longtime resident of Houston, Ms. Chincuanco has seen how the city and the international shipping industry has changed in the past 20 years.

In college, Ms. Chincuanco was in a band called Phuz with her brother and other Filipino-American students. Although the band disbanded after the members graduated, Phuz performed and toured nationally with notable artists such as Sade, India.Arie, Alicia Keys, and Sting. Recently, Ms. Chincuanco has had the time to re-pursue music, a passion and hobby of hers.

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