Interview - Nargesh Sethna

Nargesh Sethna was born in Bombay, India in 1928. She came to the U.S. and Houston for the first time in 1971 with her husband and son. Before arriving in the U.S., she lived in Karachi, Pakistan for 11 years where she moved to once she was married. Ms. Sethna was raised in a Parsi colony in Bombay and has continued to interact within a predominantly Parsi community. She is a practicing Zoroastrian and has played a major role in bringing the Houston Zoroastrian community together. Ms. Sethna worked in Bombay writing ration cards after the Second World War and then worked as an accountant for Toyomenka America Inc. in the U.S. for most of her life. She was also the founding member of the Zoroastrian Association of Houston and played a key role in the building of the center. She speaks several languages including English, Urdu, Marathi, and Gujarati. She is currently a retired widow, who lives with her son and sister in Houston.

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