Interview - Kittie Farmer

Kittie Farmer is the lead vocalist for Austin based metal band Flooded Tomb. Thanks to the Matrix Movies soundtracks, she has loved rock and heavier music since she was a child, and she joined her first metal band at the age of 15 in suburban Oklahoma (which eventually broke apart). She went to the University of Texas at Austin for college, where she ran UT’s student run radio station’s (KVRX) metal specialty show. It wasn’t until she was 29 that she decided to “just go for it” by joining Deocculted, another metal band based in Austin. She eventually left this band over the COVID-19 pandemic, which gave her a lot of downtime to further work on her vocal skills by taking lessons from a vocal institute. Today, as lead vocalist and lyricist, she is writing new music with her band Flooded Tomb. In this interview, Kittie discusses her early musical experiences, the period of time between her first metal band and her stint with Deocculted, and her perspectives on metal and current events.

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