Interview - Meryl Lou Cabio (a.k.a Royal Sumikat)

Meryl Lou Cabio was born in the Philippines in 1985. She briefly lived in Saudi Arabia with her family and then they immigrated to the U.S. when she was nine years old. In the U.S. she worked different jobs and is currently working as a compliance specialist. Cabio is most passionate about her work as a street artist who creates murals and other artworks using various media such as spray paint. Cabio is also deeply interested in spirituality and reconnecting with her Filipino heritage and ancestors.

Her artist name is "Royal Sumikat" as she embraces her creative spirit and ancestral legacy. She works with spray paint, gouache, acrylic paints, markers, and most recently – Procreate. The images in her works come off as if they’re contradicting each other but are intentionally done to highlight the contrast in colors, ideas, and textures. Her work is informed by her experiences as an immigrant, community organizer, and priestess – taking inspiration from the spaces afforded by these different identities. Storytelling and mythology are prevalent in her work as she aims to strengthen the connection she has with her ancestors.

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